Five Fall Favorites- Vintage

Hello, everyone! I am excited to participate in the Five Fall Favorites blog party this year! I’ve enjoyed reading some of the posts in previous years, and I’m looking forward to sharing some of my favorite books in these categories with you all.

Each day, I will be sharing five of my favorite books in the day’s genre. I will be also given a room, and the other participating bloggers will be given different rooms as well. (Find out more about the party at the end of my post!) And a hint: each day there will be a Books room, where you can find free ebooks!! That’s probably my favorite part of the party. πŸ˜€

One other comment that applies to each of my posts this week: my five favorites won’t usually be in any particular order. Picking favorites was hard enough (especially when I hadn’t read many in a category); putting them in order is worse! So keep that in mind. πŸ˜‰

Today I would like to invite you all to the Benches room! Please take a seat on one of these comfortable benches (they are comfortable since they have back rests πŸ˜‰ ) and come along as I talk about some excellent vintage books After I finish talking, I hope you’ll stick around and read some of these books!

Now, the definition of “vintage” was a little tricky for me, but the way I’m defining it is “old but neglected books”. Just for fun, I will be including the dates that these were published!


Paula the Waldensian by Eva Lecomte (published 1899) (my review)

This is a beautiful story! It has a very sweet main character and a good storyline.


The Bible Makes Us Baptists (pub. 1902) (my review)

This was a very informative and encouraging book about Baptist history! While some parts were rather gruesome, which is the only reason why I would not recommend it to children, it is still an interesting books.


Mother by Kathleen Norris (pub. 1911) (my review)

The first part of this book annoyed me, quite frankly! But I appreciate the message that eventually became clear. Sunshine Country eBook: Roy, Kristina: Kindle Store

Sunshine Country by Kristina Roy (pub. 1909) (my review)

I recently re-read this book, and it is such a dear little story!


A Peep Behind the Scenes by Mrs. O. F. Walton (pub. 1877) (my review)

This is a sobering, but interesting, book. I recommend it!

There’s a really cool giveaway going on for this blog party!!! Check it out by clicking here!

Head over to the Literary Lodge (home of Rebekah A. Morris, the main host of the party) to find some more great recommendations and enter the giveaway!

And don’t forget to come back tomorrow for some more favorites! Thanks for reading!

21 thoughts on “Five Fall Favorites- Vintage

  1. Sadie says:

    This is such an awesome blog! I just followed by email, and I’m looking forwards to the continuation of the five fall favorites! πŸ™‚

    -Sadie S.

  2. Rebekah A. Morris says:

    I have read “Paula” and really liked it. And “Sunshine Country” and “A Peep Behind the Scenes”. I haven’t read the other two. πŸ™‚

  3. Abigail | Rejoice In Reading says:

    There are so many cool books being shared today! I’ve never heard of any of these until today. Thanks!

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